Purely new tactics

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Can they play together for the first time? Looks like they can, and that against the strongest! Ivan will be left, on Kranjars position, Justin James Jersey Niko will play second striker behind Oli, and Petri will wait his moment on the bench.Slaven Bili didnt want to reveal the squad against Germany until the last moment, and now its clear why. Until the last training se sion Nane was thinking how to inspirit the stuck midfield and make Vatreni to play football again.If he succeed, the idea which hell put in act should totally astonish the fans who have the tickets for Klagenfurt.For the first time in chequered jersey, against always strong Germans, we will watch trio fantastikus Luka Modri, Ivan Rakiti and Niko Kranjar.Although this scenario wasnt officially confirmed, the most popular Croat has dreamed of an attacking formation with Kranjar as the second striker, in front of who should be sprinting only one striker Ivica Oli. On Nikos place he imagined Rakiti, and a bit behind him Modri, who should, with loads of short pa ses towards forward and the captain Kova holding his backs, benumb the strong German midfield.With this Jason Williams Jersey move, Nane has secured few trumps in aliving the game, at least on paper. Before all, psyhicaly and mentally ready Rakiti could be a better help to Pranji in stopping Lahm than Kranjar. In that case, there are also more attacking options in the middle and on the wing on which was leaking against Austria.Rakiti can play equally good at both, left and right side, he knows how to keep and how to smartly pa s the ball, what we mi sed the most against Austria, and in Schalke he showed how fast and precise he can switch the sides, and put the striker in a dead chance or shot towards the goal.In the new attacking rhombus which Bili is planning to try out against Germans, Ivica Oli would be the only outpost striker, and behind him, with le s defensive responsibility, would be bombarding and heating Niko,while Luka Modri would Nate Archibald Jersey be ballasting the Croatian attack from the background to the left side and with that, opening the space for Darijo Srna and his dreamy shadow Vedran orluka.This is a brave plan which undoubtedly confirms the atmosphere from the Croatian camp in the last few days, which was the result of the bad game against Austria and the scept of the public. Bili put it all in one sentence: The team which beats Germany, has every right to think of the European champions titleThe same thought was repeated by Robert Prosineki in interview published on the official sites of UEFA, which means that the whole sombre Croatian squadron feels that its the last moment for bombarding with football.The weathermen announced rain, and Bili that its time for dance. So, lets dance!
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